Tag Archives: NYC

The Harry Potter Bra Shop

11 Jul

**Our very first joint post written by The Daisy Chain-ers Flávia and Anne**

While living in New York, the two of us would often explore the city together in hopes of uncovering new shops, restaurants, and sights. (What else is a girl to do?)

Storefront on Orchard Street.

Sunday afternoon seemed like the perfect day to buy bras, especially at this Lower East Side gem, owned by a Hasidic Jewish couple. The inconspicuous façade does not prepare you for what is waiting inside, for this is no ordinary bra shop. As you walk into the store, you immediately feel like you’re in the lingerie equivalent of Ollivander’s Wand Shop, where Harry Potter’s magical wand found its destined owner. The narrow walls of the store are lined with discolored, crumpled boxes stuffed into somewhat dusty wooden cubbies that stack all the way to the ceiling. A ladder leaning on one of the walls is the only thing that indicates they ever use the boxes stacked above our heads. We soon discover that the dingy boxes contain in them an extensive variety of lovely, quality bras that have nothing drab about them.

Ollivander’s Wand Shop, courtesy of Wikia.com

The owner sits at the register while his beautiful wife assists you. She leads you behind some curtains, and with a quick look and some hand measurements, she is off to the ladder. She then pulls out a box containing the bra of your dreams. As you try it on, she says in an assertive tone and a slight unidentifiable accent “Beeeautiful. See? Look how beeeautiful you are.” And indeed, you are overflown with a feeling of confidence and you think to yourself, “Wow, I really am beautiful.” Suddenly acutely aware of how inadequate all your previous bras have been, there is literally a weight lifted off your back and shoulders. As you walk out of the store with a couple of black plastic bags containing your magic bras, you feel like you can take on the world.

Her words resonate in your ears and you even forget you have just purchased some flesh-colored lace-less bras that would not make the Victoria’s Secret angels proud. It doesn’t matter though, because you are “Beeeautiful.”

-Flavia and Anne

Orchard Corset, courtesy of timeoutny.com

Orchard Corset

157 Orchard Street New York, NY 10002 (212) 674-0786